We invite you to visit our club and find out more about us and the opportunities we offer to get involved.

We meet on Wednesday evenings at 5.30pm for a 6.00pm start at the St John's Club (Glasgow St, Whanganui).

Apologies (or any extra meals) are requested to be advised prior to 2.00pm on the day of our meetings - please contact Linda Anderson on
0274 557 960 or email: lmanderson@windowslive.com

Come and join us to see what we do and learn more about “Rotary”.


A six monthly subscription of $160 plus weekly meals costs of $25 and a $2 raffle ticket. 

We also hold a few social events and voluntary charitable donations may be made.


Whanganui North Rotary understands that the world has changed and attending every Rotary meeting is unrealistic. There should never be a pressure to attend, family should always come first and work second. We hope you feel that attending our meetings is adding something to your life, not taking from it. We hope you, like us, will find that you want to attend Rotary, it is where you can make lifetime friendships, while making a difference in our community.

Meeting Format
Presentations usually last about 20-30 minutes.

Committee meetings take place once a month during the usual meeting time.

We also have 15 minutes of club information about what we are doing or have completed, and finish with a word from the Club President.

Change Over 2024

Immediate Past President Shaun Hogan welcomed newly appointed President Craig Cleveland to his role for 2024-2025. Graeme Prince was also awarded the Paul Harris fellow (Sapphire) for his outstanding services to Rotary.